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Disinfection Services

The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us all we must be more aware and vigilant of the dangers of not properly sanitising our living and work areas.

Did you know most disinfectants you can buy in shops only work up to LOG 3 or 4?

That means that are either 99.9% or 99.99% effective at killing bacteria and viruses.


Sounds good? NOT AT ALL!


These lower LOGs will leave 1/1000 bacteria still present and able to multiply again within a matter of hours!

Even 99.99% effectiveness will not kill stronger viruses like MRSA


Sanis Cleaning Specialists use LOG 6 disinfectants. That means 99.9999% effectiveness, completely erasing all traces of bacteria.


This ensures that all the surfaces in your property are not only sparkling clean, but completely safe.

This level of protection is just one way our standards outmatch our competitors.

We also offer specialist airborne disinfection treatment designed for complete disinfection of the air and inaccessible surfaces. This level of treatment is often used in intensive care units and operating theatres so you know its powerful stuff!


When you are looking for deep cleaning professionals, contact Sanis Cleaning Specialists.


Cian McGrevy

Sanis Cleaning Specialists  

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